Earnest Writes Hub: Celebrating 5 years in the literary scene
Earnest Writes Hub : Celebrating 5 years In The Literary Scene Have you ever woken up to something that changed your perspective of life? Here’s a snippet of what one of the members of EWC tells us : “This is something that EWC did to me. I was scrolling through the WhatsApp statuses of people when I came across a basic article writing class by EWC. Let me tell you, I was not a very good writer nor did I have enough confidence to present my work to someone. So just seeing a status post I ended up gaining some very basic knowledge that one wouldn’t expect to seek in a free article writing class. Since that day I have found my family, a writing family or ‘wrimily’ as we call ourselves. This community helped me discover the writer in me with all the love and support that I needed. The first class I got was on how to raise your self esteem and that’s what makes EWC different from others. They won’t teach you to be just good but will build you from within to be the best version of yourself